HTML Newsletter – MS Outlook 2007/2010 – Floated Images


  • Floated images are not working in Outlook 2007/2010


  • Outlook 2007/2010 doesn’t support alignment of images thru CSS float.


  • Switch typo3 into render mode = table
    •   tt_content.image.20.renderMethod = table
    •   tt_content.textpic.20.noStretchAndMarginCells = 1
    • This will align the images in content elements “text w/image” by wrapping the image in a table cell with align=left|right.
  • To clear the align, use <br clear=all|left|right /> (HTML 3.2!!!)
    • To insert a clearer before every content element in the newsletter, use this
    • NEWLETTER_PAGE_CONTENT < styles.content.get
      NEWLETTER_PAGE_CONTENT.renderObj.stdWrap.wrap = <br clear="all" />|


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